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The best inexpensive dining is down in Ragusa Ibla at La Rusticana, Corso XXV Aprile 68 (tel. +39-0932-227-981), serving excellent dishes of the pork-based Ragusan cuisine in a rustic 19th century atmosphere or at cozy outdoor tables. They're closed Tuesdays and August 20 to October 10.
Ragusa tourist office:
Piazza S. Giovanni, Upper Ragusa
tel. +39-0932-684-780
Also try:
Via Capitano Boccheri 33 (continuation of Via Duomo), Ragusa Ibla
tel. 0932-621-421
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Ragusa tourist office:
Piazza S. Giovanni, Upper Ragusa
tel. +39-0932-684-780
Also try:
Via Capitano Boccheri 33 (continuation of Via Duomo), Ragusa Ibla
tel. 0932-621-421
This article was written by Reid Bramblett and was last updated in April 2015.
All information was accurate at the time.
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