Taking a gondola ride in Venice ★★★
A gondola ride is the one Venetian tourist trap everyone falls into willingly
Long, sleek, black, slightly crooked, looking like a cross between a canoe and a coffin, the single oar worked by a professional
That's the Venetian gondola, the primary form of transportation in Venice from the 12th century until speedboats roared into the canals in the late 20th.
And touristy or not, your visit to Venice isn't complete until you take one of these time-honored water taxis for a spin.
Venetian Gondolas 101
• Take a gondola ride
• Learn to drive a gondola
• Visit a
gondola boatyard
• Save on gondola rides
Technically the gondola is a mode of transportation, and technically you might find a gondolier willing to ferry you from point A to point B, but in practice these most famous of Venetian boats operate as supremely overpriced tourist mini-cruises, not as a viable means of public transportation.
I know you'll take ride in one anyway, but it won't be to get anywhere. (There are gondola-like boats that do still serve as public transport; they're called traghetti and eight of them cross the Grand Canal for €2 a ride).
How long does a gondola ride last?

Gondolieri in Venice.
average gondola ride lasts 40 minutes.
Make absolutely sure you agree upon the price and the duration of the trip before you step into the boat, write it down, and go by your watch (strangely, the gondoliers' often run fast).
Venice's gondolas and gondoliers are regulated by the Ente Gondola (tel. +39-041-528-5075; www.gondolavenezia.it), so call if you have any questions or complaints.
How much does a gondola ride cost? €80–€100
The official rates if you're using a gondola as a taxi are €80 ($104) for up to 6 people for a 40-minute ride; additional 20 minute increments cost €40 ($52).
After 7pm, the price rises to €100 ($130) for 40 minutes, €50 ($65) each additional 20 minutes.
However, if you come across any gondoliere that actually sticks even remotely by those official rates, get his name and write me about it, because a reasonably priced gondola ride is a Venetian rarity I've just got to see.
Or go the other way and see Venice by Private Gondola.
Classic Gondola rides in Venice
Nothing conveys the romance of Venice like a gondola -- these elegant, black, hand-built wooden boats have been an unmistakable feature of the city for almost 1,000 years! Choose between two different routes:
Classic Venice, that allows you to explore the major monuments and picturesque byways of the Sestiere San Marco; or
Hidden Venice around the Sestiere San Polo...
Duration: 45 min.; Cost: $147–$187 per group
Make the most of magical Venice with a gondola ride and romantic dinner for two. Cozy up with your loved one as a traditionally dressed gondolier takes you on a 25-minute gondola ride along the Grand Canal and smaller waterways, passing bridges, palazzos and churches in the glow of sunset. Then, step ashore at the award-winning Antico Pignolo restaurant and savor a 3-course candlelit meal for two of Venetian dishes. It's an ideal way to celebrate an anniversary, honeymoon or other special occasion...
Duration: 3 hours; Cost: $157 per person
Enjoy a walking tour of the city to discover its treasures nestled amid charming squares, bridges and narrow streets and then hop aboard a classic Venetian gondola boat. After exploring the Grand Canal and the smaller canals around the neighborhood of Fenice, soak up the charms of the romantic city while wandering through through picturesque cobblestone alleyways and squares. Your knowledgeable guide will point out all the highlights of Venice from the area between Piazza San Marco (St Mark’s Square) to Rialto Bridge...
Duration: 2.5 hours; Cost: $50 per person
Float past the beautiful palaces and bridges of Venice on a 35-minute Venice gondola ride and enjoy a serenade, too. Select an afternoon or evening ride, and then see the sights of the city from the impressive Grand Canal. Aboard a traditional wood-carved gondola boat, look out for top Venice attractions such as Rialto Bridge and listen to Italian songs; it’s a must-do Venice experience...
Duration: 35 min.; Cost: $45 per person
Float through Venice by private gondola boat on a 1-hour tour, and learn all about the history of the quintessential Venetian gondolas, too! As a gondolier navigates the boat along the famous Grand Canal, relax and listen to fun facts and trivia about the boats and the city from a local guide. Pass along pretty Rio della Madonnetta, and then ogle top Venice attractions such as Rialto Bridge and the glamorous Gothic Ca’ d’Oro mansion on the Grand Canal...
Duration: 1 hour; Cost: $78 per person
For the quintessential Venetian experience, take a serenaded gondola ride on the canals of Venice, followed by lunch or dinner – depending on your afternoon or evening selection. You'll swoon to the magic of Venice on your 35-minute gondola ride as you coast down the Grand Canal. Then, wend your way through the city’s romantic minor canals while listening to the serenade. Enjoy a two-course meal at Hostaria Ai Coristi Restaurant, located near Teatro La Fenice...
Duration: 2 hours; Cost: $95 per person
How to get a cheap gondola ride in Venice
There are two ways to get e less-expensive gondola ride in Venice:
Tips & links
Ente Gondola ★★★
tel. +39-041-528-5075
Learn to be a gondalier:
Save by using a group ride
You can get a cheaper ride by sharing the boat with other tourists. Just book via our partners Viator.com either the 35-minute Venice Gondola Ride and Serenade ($59.14), the strangely popular Venice Gondola Ride and Serenade with Dinner ($115.57), or the best deal: a Venice Walking Tour and Gondola Ride ($53.07).
How long does a gondola ride last?
Planning your day: Gondola rides last 40 minutes, unless you pay for overtime. Venice itineraries
A gondola gets more expensive at 7pm
Remember: evening rides are more romantic, but cost a premium. Cheapskates will want to take their gondola spin before 7pm.
It is a loop ride unless you specify
All gondoliers will want to row you in a big circle back to where you boarded. If you want to end up elsewhere, insist upon it—firmly but politely.
Venice links & resources
- Airport transfers: By land (to Piazzale Roma)
- Atvo.it (shuttle bus: €6)
- Actv.it (city bus: €6)
- Venice rail station
- Venezia Santa Lucia: Grandistazioni.it, Fondamenta S. Lucia (in the NW corner of the city)
- Vaproetto to San Marco: 1, 2, N
- Driving/parking
- Asmvenezia.it (Piazzale Rome garage: most central, €23–29; S. Giuliano lot: farthest, €12)
- Veniceparking.it (Tronchetto garage: fairly central, €21)
- Car resources
- Emergency service/tow: tel. 803-116
- Highway agency: Autostrade.it (traffic info, serivce areas, toll calculator, weather)
- Italian automotive club (~AAA): Aci.it
- ZTLs: Ztl-italia.blogspot.com (lightly outdated, but handy, links to cities' traffic-free zones)
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