Hotel Galleria ★★

A room at the Hotel Galleria, Venice
A room with a view of the Grand Canal at the Hotel Galleria, Venice

A moderately-priced room on Venice's Grand Canal

The Hotel Galleria has one huge plus going for it: You can fling open your window and look right out onto the Grand Canal and still pay as little as €110 ($150) for the privilege.

(I know: seems like a lot—but not in Venice. In high season/busier periods, the price for that canal-view room can be €170 or more—but that's still a bargain.)

That's what you get—along with antique Venetian styling and breakfast served in your room—at Luciano Benedetti and Stefano Franceschini's 17th-century palazzo at the foot of the Accademia bridge, across a square from the Galleria Accademia.

Seriously: cross the Accademia bridge, turn to your left, and it's right there in front of you, the door just to the right of the cafe with all the outdoor tables.

Of the six rooms with a view, the best are intimate no. 8 with a raised sitting nook set into the curved canal-vista window, no. 10 with its frescoed ceiling, and cheaper (but smaller and bathless) no. 5 on the corner.

Other rooms with partial views overlook the bridge past a noisy canalside café (annoying to anyone hoping to sleep before the bar closes).

Viewless 2 and 4 are also nice, with stuccoed decorations on the ceiling.

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Hotel Galleria ★★
Campo della Carità 878a, Dorsoduro (left at the foot of the Accademia Bridge; it's right there.)
Vaporetto: Accademia
tel. +39-041-523-2489

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