A rosticceria is basically a tavola calda (literally "hot table,"a sort of cafeteria with excellent pre-prepared dishes) that also serves roast chicken.
It is not fancy. It is not a restaurant. It is the Italian version of fast food: cheap, filling, decent, quick.
Opened in the 1930s and last overhauled sometime in the 1990s, this modern, popular, business-like tavola calda near the Rialto Bridge—variously known as Rosticceria San Barotolomeo and Rosticceria Gislon—offers ready-made hot dishes and pizza with no cover charge right in the heart of the action.
Like most rosticcerie, it's short on atmosphere but long on budget value.
Don't bother with the dining hall upstairs, where the same food costs 20% more for the privilege of table service.
Also convenient: unlike traditional restaurants, it's open nonstop 9:30am to 10pm (except Mondays, when it closes after lunch, around 3:30pm).
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