Hotel Smeraldo

Room in the Hotel Smeraldo, Rome
Room in the Hotel Smeraldo

Loads of amenities on a quiet street in the heart of Rome, Italy

Until their prices started rising 10% a year, this was always the first place I called when I needed a room in Rome. You just won't find another classy joint at these prices in the very heart of Rome—three blocks from Largo Argentina, three from Campo de' Fiori.

You get burnished chestnut veneers, stone-tile floors, marble sinks, and all the electronic comforts of home (satellite TV, hairdryers, even A/C).

The fourth-floor patio is perfect for shady quiet (though there is some distant traffic rumble on the Via Monte della Farina side), and the rooftop terrace (fluttering with hotel sheets) offers sun and a panorama of rooftops.

In 2002, they bought the crummy old Hotel Piccolo across the street, renovated it to the standards and comfort level of the Smeraldo, and renamed it Il Parione. Those 16 rooms cost a skosh less than at Smeraldo, but breakfast is not included.

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Hotel Smeraldo

Vicolo dei Chiodaroli 9 (Lower Tiber Bend) - Between Via Chiavari and Via Monte della Farina, about halfway between Largo Argentina and Campo de' Fiori
tel. +39-06-687-5929

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