Hotel Albergo Abruzzi ★★

hotel aburzzi, rome
A room at the Hotel Abruzzi.

A room with a view...of the Pantheon

Truth be told, I miss the old days, when this hotel was a lowly student crash pad with giant, creaky rooms and ridiculously low rates that just so happened to have the best view in Rome: You could open your bedroom window and practically poke the Pantheon with a stick.

The view's still there, of course (from all rooms save a few singles; best from the large corner doubles with windows on two walls), but for the 21st century the Abruzzi decided to renovate itself into three-star hotel status—A/C, TV, minibars, the works—and more than tripled its prices.

Ah, well. That's progress for you.

At least there were some improvements, chief among which was that they installed double-glazed windows to help keep out the dark side to that killer view: The considerable pedestrian noise that rises late into the night from this popular piazza.

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