Hotel Villa Maria

Room at Villa Maria, Ravello. (Photo by Villa Maria)

Lovely rooms with a view in the Amalfi Coast town of Ravello

The Hotel Villa Maria, converted from a 1935 private home, offers a taste of the refined elegance that Ravello enjoyed in past centuries.

The tone is set by an old-fashioned salon off the entrance, where a grand chandelier hangs over an antique silver tea setting.

The rooms' floor tiles are richly patterned, the walls hung with quality prints and oils, and the period furnishings mixed with the odd futon couch. Firm mattresses rest on genuine box springs backed by wooden or brass headboards, and many of the ample baths feature Jacuzzi tubs. Only nos. 6 and 7 have garden views rather than vistas down the Valle del Dragone to the sea.

Guests can use the parking facilities and outdoor pool at the inn's nearby sister hotel, the Giordano.

Villa Maria's garden restaurant, recommended below, is one of the town's best; for a pizza or light meal outdoors in summer, you can pop across the street to the owners' little Villa Eva park. » book

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Vila Maria
Via S. Chiara 2, Ravello (follow Via S. Francesco toward the Villa Cimbrone)
tel. +39-089-857-255

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