France by phone

How to telephone France and useful emergency numbers in France

Telephones in Paris, France


France's country code is


Major French city & region codes:

Note that France uses region codes (then the first two digits of the number usually indicates the city itself), whcih is why, for example, all the cities in Provence start with the "04" code.

Paris: 01 Aix en Provnce: 04 Cannes: 05
Bordeaux: 05 Lille: 03 Lourdes: 05
Marseilles: 04 Nice: 04 Rouen: 02
Strasbourg: 03 Toulouse: 05 [cellphones]: 06, 07

How to call France

Use Skype
Skype is the cheapest way to place any call, international or otherwise. The only catch is you need an Internet connection. That's easy enough at home. While traveling use either cybercafes or the Skype app for smartphones (not roaming—pricey—but on WiFi). Full Story

Emergency numbers in France

In any emergency dial

Police: tel. 17

Ambulance (SAMU): tel. 15

Fire: tel. 18

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This article was by Reid Bramblett and last updated in March 2012.
All information was accurate at the time.

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